-- UserJS Manager --

This program designed to manage UserJS Scripts from Opera™ Browser.

Help Contents:

Differences from similar analogues and common features:

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* You can install this program to Opera Browser. This will allow you to get access to the program from your Browser, also that way you can download UserJS directly to used UserJS dir.
* But integration is not mandatory, this program works absolutely independently (from any place on the hard drive).
* If unable to find UserJS dir (possible Opera browser not(correctly) installed on your computer), you can always set this dir in the dropdown list from main window (or select it from menu option).
* To activate certain UserJS, you only need to set a checkbox near the item with UserJS name. To deactivate (disable the UserJS) just remove that checkbox.

Attention: to see the changes in the browser, it is necessary to reload a current (or all) page(s) after Activation / Deactivation of UserJS script.

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Hotkeys Support:

F1 = Display "About" dialog.
F3 = Search for UserJS in the list (also accessible with CTRL + F).
F5 = Refresh UserJS list.
CTRL + F3 = Search for UserJS on the network (using Google).
CTRL + F12 = Display "Preferences" dialog.
CTRL + SHIFT + A = Add UserJS files.
CTRL + H = Hide application to the system tray icon.
ALT + F4 = Close application.

* Only when UserJS list is focused:

DELETE = Deleting (with confirmation)) selected UserJS.
DOWN (Arrow Down) = Select next item in list.
UP (Arrow Up) = Select previous item in list.
SPACE = Enable / Disable selected UserJS.
CTRL + U = Check updates for selected UserJS.
CTRL + C = Copy selected UserJS to clipboard.
CTRL + V = Paste to current list (UserJS dir) previously copied UserJS.
CTRL + R = Rename selected UserJS.
CTRL + E = Edit selected UserJS.
CTRL + A = Select all UserJS in list.
CTRL + I = Invert selection in list.
ALT + ENTER = Display a system dialog "Properties" for selected UserJS-file.

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Command Line Support:

/DownloadUserJS=URL [/Path [, /Silent [, /VerySilent ]]] - Downloading UserJS from the net to selected dir.
By default it is a current UserJS dir, this key can be configured from the preferences dialog, there is also an option to download UserJS in quick mode.
- Key /Path allows to set specific path for downloaded UserJS.
- /Silent used to override standard settings (do not show save dialog).
- /VerySilent is the same, but without showing the complete download popup dialog.

/ToggleUserJS=UserJS [/Enable [, /Disable ]] - Disabling / Enabling separate UserJS file.
- /Enable Key pointing that the UserJS should be Enabled, /Disable correspondently disabled. If none of these two keys defined, UserJS toggle process will be performed (i.e. if UserJS enabled, it will turn to be disabled, and conversely).
- The files can be toggled as a chain, i.e: /ToggleUserJS="file1|file2|file3" etc.
- File name have to be without file extension, you can pass path to the file as well as file name only, in the last case will be used current UserJS dir (used dir in the dropdown of main UserJS Manager window).

/EditUserJS=FullPathToUserJS.js [/Editor] - Editing of UserJS with specified (in program's preferences) editor.
- Key /Editor allows to set specific editor when opening the file.

/Include=UserJS_Path /URL=%u - Adds/Removes @include for specific/current web-site.

/Exclude=UserJS_Path /URL=%u - Adds/Removes @exclude for specific/current web-site.

/SetUserJSVariable=UserJS_Path /Var=Variable /Val=Value - Set value for specific variable inside UserJS.

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New Version Installation:

It is quit simple - We integrating up on the current version ("Tools - Integration to Opera..."), all necessary files will be updated ;)

ATTENTION: All 1.2.x version and lower, does NOT compatible with newer versions of the program.
That means that language files, and configuration files (UserJS_Manager.ini) not compatible with older versions of those files.

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Removing program:

Delete UserJS_Manager folder from Opera installation dir, and follow these steps:
  1. Close Opera.
  2. Open Menu file (opera:config#UserPrefs|MenuConfiguration).
  3. Find and remove in the menu file all instance of:

    "UserJS Manager"


  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Run Opera ;)

Note: If you are never used custom menu profile, then it is enough just to delete the menu file, Opera will use default menu profile.

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How to translate this app to different languages:

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System Requirements / Restrictions:

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It is important that users of this software will be able to contact with the author, so they can report about bugs in the app, make a feature request, or just say Thank you! :)

That way this software can be improved dramatically!

E-mail:     UserJS Manager Support ujsman.support@gmail.com
WWW:    CreatoR's Lab http://creator-lab.ucoz.ru
ICQ:         ICQ Status for 560-765-5 560-765-5

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Show History Version

UserJS Manager v2.1 Final.

* Added Opera 10 support.
* Added new translations for the following languages:
      Nederlands (Rijk)
      Turkish (ZAHEK)
      Deutsch (Heidrun1)
      Chinese (efree)
      Italian (Alessio Forconi)

* Now /ToggleUserJS command line parameter can accept more than one userjs file path.
* Added /Editor flag to /EditUserJS command line parameter to allow set specific editor when opening the file.
* Added /Path, /Silent and /VerySilent flags to /DownloadUserJS command line parameter to allow set specific path for downloaded UserJS. /Silent used to override standard settings (do not show save dialog) - /VerySilent is the same, but without showing the complete download popup dialog.
* Added "System RunTime" information to the "Bug Report" form (from Help menu).
* The item "Check Update for selected UserJS..." was also added to UserJS List's context menu.
* UserJS Info DataBase file updated.
* Added "Copy Plugin Data" button to plugins preferences dialog. Will copy plugin info data to clipboard.
* Added "UserJS Uploader" plugin - Uploads UserJS (as archive) to several file hosting servers.
* Added "UserJS Blocker" plugin - Put UserJS on the black list to block them (preventing them from been enabled/disabled).
* Added "Plug-ins Management" item to "All Plugins" menu.
* Added "Show plugin in menu" option to Plugins Preferences dialog. This option is local for each plugin, and does not override the option <Show disabled Plugins in "All Plugins" menu>
* Plugins engine improved:
      -Now plugins can set status data inside UserJS Manager.
      -Added "Plugins Ignore" engine (Plugins_Ignore.ini file).

* Corrections to the Readme file.
* To avoid conflicts with antivirus programs, the executable file of UserJS Manager does not packed with UPX anymore - this will increase the size of the executable program.
* Fixed bug with Include/Exclude command line switches.
* Fixed bug with calling plugins when program executed with command line switches.
* Fixed(?) an old bug with restoring main window and columns positions when program starts.
* Fixed bug with UserJS update. Some new UserJS was downloaded with empty content.
* Fixed bug with displaying "Author" field in plugins preferences dialog.
* Fixed bug when the song from "About" dialog kept playing in background even after the program exits.
* Fixed few issues in "UserJS Session Manager" plugin.


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UserJS Manager is free software:
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

UserJS Manager is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with UserJS Manager.
If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

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Copyright © 2006 - CreatoR's Lab (G.Sandler). All rights reserved.