[ · Download (329 Kb) ] MD5: A338779BD8759FA5C3EA1B019C7E1A83 More ScreenShots: Main Dialog - After Checking Details Dialog Options Dialog ******** English: ******** Program to check file size on the internet. ================ Common Features: ================ * Integration to Internet Explorer and Opera Browser. * Quick Mode of displaying File Size information (with ToolTip under mouse). * Download checked file with favorite Download Manager. * Basic Proxy support. * URL Correction. * ClipBoard Monitoring. * Program is fully portable, no need to install. * Multi-Language Support. * Program is free, and distributed with Open Source. ====================== Command Line Switches: ====================== /URL=somefile.zip - Url to file for checking the size. /Referrer=web-site - Referrer to a web-site that Url is checking from (used for passing to Download Manager). /AutoCheck - Check automatically when program is executed with /URL= switch. /ToolTip=N - Will only display a simple ToolTip under the mouse with main information about file size -> N is the number of seconds to display the tooltip. ========================================= Drag & Drop Buttons for Opera Browser - Sel.text (CheckFileSize name must retain as is, and be placed in Opera directory): ========================================= Check File Size of sel.text Check File Size of sel.text in Quick Mode ******** Russian: ******** Программа для проверки размера файла в интернете. ============================ Общие возможности программы: ============================ * Интеграция в Internet Explorer и браузер Opera. * Быстрый режим отображения информации о размере файла (выводится всплывающая подсказка под курсором мышки). * Скачивание проверяемого файла с любимым менеджером закачки. * Основная поддержка прокси. * Коррекция ссылок. * Мониторинг буфера обмена (в случае если строка ввода ссылки пуста). * Программа полностью портативна, нет необходимости в установке. * Мульти-языковая поддержка. * Программа бесплатна, распространяется с открытым кодом. ======================= Ключи командной строки: ======================= /URL=somefile.zip - Ссылка на файл для проверки. /Referrer=web-site - Реферрер для менеджера закачки (ссылка на веб-страницу с которой проверяется файл). /AutoCheck - Проверять автоматически при использовании ключа /URL=. /ToolTip=N - Отобразит всплывающую подсказку под курсором мышки с основной информацией о размере файла -> N устанавливает сколько секунд подсказка будет отображаться на экране. ============= Requirements: ============= * Windows 2000 or higher. * This program works correctly only with HTTP and FTP protocols. ============ Source Code: ============ The source code is included, only for AutoIt v3.2.8.1. History Version... v1.12 Final Release! [28.05.2008] - Added meta redirection recognition (thanks to rasim).
- Few stability fixes.
v1.11 Final Release! [12.05.2008] - Fixed Opera 9.5 build recognition (integration compatibility).
- Fixed Main Tab displaying. On some systems the edges of size checking result inputs was visible.
v1.10 Final Release! [09.05.2008] - Fixed URL correction. In some cases URLs was not corrected properly.
- Added Unicode support for some system dialogs.
- When integrating CheckFileSize to Opera 9.5 item to check file size written to [Link Selection Popup Menu] section as well.
- Minor changes to the dialogs.
v1.03 RC [03.03.2008] - Added Proxy Support (basic).
- Added "Referrer:" support when checking URLs.
- Fixed displaying value for "User Agent" - when leave empty input line, it fielded with 0 (zero).
v1.02 Beta 3 [11.01.2008] - Fixed server (host) recognizing issue; if host name have a port value suffix, then location rechecked for that specific port.
- Now when redirecting, "Location:" checked twice (if necessary).
- Prevented potential problem with ToolTip displaying. If "EnableBalloonTips" set to 0, ToolTip with file size was not shown (when program executed with /ToolTip switch).
- Some corrections to translation values (for Russian).
v1.01 Beta 2 [07.01.2008] - Fixed bug with ftp protocol recognize.
- Fixed "/ToolTip" Bug - in some cases other windows was accidentally closed
- Fixed issue when running second copy of the program.
- Fixed issue with writing/reading configuration file (wrong encoding).
- Fixed displaying of "Last-Modified:" value, in some cases was added invalid character at the end.
- Minor fixes in code and Readme file.
v1.0 [05.01.2008]