This program will help you toggle hidden files, super (system) hidden files, or files extensions very quickly! This version (1.5) is also includes a functionality of two previously uploaded apps (Toogle Hidden Files and Folders, Toogle Files Extensions) =========== Main Features: =========== - Almost instant refreshing of all opened Explorer windows, and also some of the "Open/Save As" dialogs.
- Integration to Shell Menu of the folders (silent mode supported).
- Creation of shortcuts for every toggling function.
- Multi-Language Support!
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-= Эта утилита позволит вам производить "откат" скрытых файлов и папок, системных файлов, и расширении для файлов почти мгновенно! Эта версия (1.5) также совмещает в себе функционал двух утилит которые я выкладывал ранее (Toogle Hidden Files and Folders, Toogle Files Extensions). ================= Главные возможности: ================= - Практически мгновенное обновление всех открытых окон проводника, а также некоторых диалоговых окон открытия/сохранения файлов.
- Интеграция в контекстное меню проводника (поддерживается тихий режим интеграции).
- Создание ярлыков для всех функции отката.
- Мульти-языковая поддержка!
========= Silent Mode: ========= The program supports the following keys to integrate silently: TOSHIFEX.exe /Silent /HiddenFiles /SuperHiddenFiles /FilesExtension to remove specific item, just run again without the corresponding key, for example: TOSHIFEX.exe /Silent /HiddenFiles /FilesExtension this will remove the item "Toggle Super Hidden Files && Folders". to remove all items, just run only with /Silent key: TOSHIFEX.exe /Silent =========== Requirements: =========== * Administration rights are needed in this version. * FEShlExt.dll extracted by the program to current directory when it's needed. ====== Credits: ====== * FEShlExt.dll - Module that allows to integrate application items to Explorer's context menu. * Main Tester(s): Wu-Tang Version History...
[v1.5.2 - 30.06.2010] + Added silent integration support, syntax as folows: /Silent [ /HiddenFiles [ /SuperHiddenFiles [ /FilesExtension ]]] + Added default file name when creating shortcut. * Changed icons for the shortcuts. * Updated FEShlExt.dll (now should work on Vista/7). * Fixed issue with displaying default values for context menu items (if no translation file found). * Minor corrections in the source code and the readme file. [v1.5 - 20.03.2008] * Program rewritten badly :). * "Toggle Hidden File & Folders" joined with "Toggle Files Extension" to one program. * Added Toggle of system files and folders. * Added Friendly dialog to integrate toggling modules. * Added option to create shortcuts for the toggling process. * Added language file, now the program can be translated to any language (English and Russian translations are native). * Now few of the "Open/Save as" dialogs will be refreshed as well when toggling. [v1.0 - 21.03.2007] First Release (as two separate programs)